Raising Daughters in the Age of #MeToo
Gratitude in Changing Landscapes
As a mother who is raising powerful women, I am thankful for the #metoo movement.
I am thankful that sexual assault could prevent a man from a lifetime appointment to The Supreme Court of the United States. That pinning a woman down is enough to give America pause.
I am thankful for male allies who want to set themselves apart from the behavior that harms women. Men who are willing to lend their voices to support women by believing survivors.
I am thankful that this feels like a moment of reckoning to correct the unbalanced world we live in. In the aftermath of this storm, I hope we can build a world where men and women coexist in greater harmony.
I am thankful for hard conversations with my daughters and hearing how empowered they are as High School Freshman.
I am thankful for shows like 13 Reason Why opened the door to conversations about mob mentality and consent even when parents were uncomfortable addressing the topics.
I am thankful for all of the acceptance that genderqueer teens are giving to each other on online platforms and in schools. How normal this seems.
I am thankful that social justice is a fire that is inspiring teens to protest across the country. That the lone voice of the Lisa Simpson’s of the world are a growing mob, who want this world to be better.
I am thankful for the acceptance of alternative expression. There is less of a norm and more of a wide variety of teenage life.
I am thankful that my daughters stood up to the male peers on Grab Ass day and told them under no circumstance would they participate. How boys that think “raping a girl sounds like fun” are no longer welcome in their social circle.
I am thankful that they believe that their bodies aren’t distracting to males. That sexist dress code policies should not hinder their education. They know it’s not their responsibility to make men comfortable. Beautiful, smart, talented women will always make men uncomfortable and its the man’s issue, not theirs.
I am thankful that they don’t feel the need to play small to fit in. That my daughters own their weird, intellectual, SJW, artistic, scientific, gifted, stunning, and leadership qualities in ways that I never did at their age.
I am thankful that their voices are heard before assault devastates their worlds. How they are teaching other young women about consent and what respect looks like. Hopefully the world they live in won’t have a statistic of 1 and 5 women assaulted in college.
I am thankful for my daughter who wants to be a film director would be coming to a Hollywood that has had years of introspection on how to treat women. How allies like Guillermo del Toro are talking about the gender disparity in the industry.
I am thankful that for my other daughter who is considering the military that the Navy posted publicly in support of the #metoo movement. Change is rocking all aspects of our lives.
I am thankful that for once it feels like girls can finally feel free to be girls with the power to devastate the man who dares to infringe on her womanhood.