On how to handle the “I will pray for you” part of the world.
A slight backstory I was an atheist homeschooler in a very Christian group and so I got this a lot.
At the time was studying Zorastor who predates Christ and is the first monotheistic god concept.
They believe that good work which included laughing, kindness, being nice to your spouse, finding beauty, baking bread, growing and tending a garden, all added towards the balance of good.
So that unwanted prayer. It’s not about you, it's about them. At the end of the day who is hurting? No one really. It is just adding to the balance of good. People trying to connect with the divine however they know how.
Also, people trying to connect with you on some level. We can all use more people in our corner even if we don't know how they got there. Take it for it’s positive.
I liked your work. Thanks and maybe this can help.