27: There is no there there

Monera Mason
3 min readMay 5, 2019

A look a the Opera 27

It had all the pretentious hallmarks that would make my haughty inner self delight. It was an opera, in one of my favorite playhouses, about the salon era of Paris, focused on Gertrude Stein, her lesbian relationship, and jammed packed with culture icons like Fitzgerald and Matisse — Hemingway and Picasso, and to top that one of my friends from high school was in it. I can find the joy in most productions because there is always staging or some form of artistry that can carry me. I write this from the safety of my room, clean and well-lit, during the second…



Monera Mason

Storyteller and mischief-maker, who is most happy in artistic fellowship. https://www.demiurgic.space/